Knowledgeable Oral Copulation by Force Defense Attorney in Los Angeles, CA, Serves Clients Accused of Sex Crimes Throughout Law Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County, and Southern California
California takes sex crimes seriously, and that includes the offense of unlawful oral copulation. If you’re facing this charge, you need to be prepared for the legal process ahead of you.
It’s time to seek professional legal advice. Contact the Law Offices of Christopher Chaney for a confidential free consultation.

Unlawful Oral Copulation Charges in Los Angeles, CA
If you’re facing criminal charges for oral copulation in L.A., you have been formally charged with a sex crime. This is no small matter. It’s a serious legal situation that could send you to prison for several years, even if you have no prior criminal record.
Despite the progressive reputation of Los Angeles, prohibitions on oral copulation aren’t about controlling what goes on between consenting adults. Rather, the law exists to protect victims who don’t consent or are unable to legally give consent to oral sex. Being charged with forced oral copulation means that you are accused of a nonconsensual sexual act.
It’s important to hire a knowledgeable oral copulation by force defense attorney in Los Angeles, CA, as soon as possible. The consequences you could face if convicted of an oral copulation charge include significant jail time and potentially lifelong status as a registered sex offender.
Where Our Los Angeles Unlawful Oral Copulation Lawyer Can Assist You
Across L.A., people charged with oral copulation and other sex crimes are turning to the Law Offices of Christopher Chaney for legal representation.
We handle these delicate matters with full professionalism as we defend clients from forcible oral copulation and other sex crime charges in and around the following areas:
- Central City
- Mid-City
- South Los Angeles
- Southeast Los Angeles
- West Los Angeles
- Hollywood
- North Hollywood
- Studio City
- Encino
- Bel-Air
- Los Feliz
- Pacific Palisades
- Westchester/LAX
- Harbor City
- Wilmington
- San Pedro
From our office locations on Sylvan Street in Van Nuys and Avenue of the Stars in Century City, we assist clients charged with unlawful oral copulation throughout Los Angeles County.
When Is Oral Copulation Illegal in California?
Oral copulation, or contact of any kind between one person’s mouth and another person’s sexual organ or anus, is legal in California as long as it takes place between consenting adults. When one participant does not consent to this contact, or they are not legally capable of doing so, this sexual conduct becomes a criminal violation.
Under Section 287 of the California Penal Code, oral copulation is a crime in the following situations.
Oral Copulation Using Force, Fear, or Violence
The use of any sort of force or fear to accomplish oral copulation is illegal under California law. Examples of forcible oral copulation include:
- The use of physical force to hold down a victim
- Using physical violence to injure or subdue a victim who is resisting
- Threatening immediate harm to the victim or someone else if they do not comply
- Threatening future retaliation if the victim resists, including having the victim or someone else arrested or deported or committing acts of violence against the victim or someone else
- Using force, fear, or violence to continue an oral sex act if the alleged victim who initially consented gave notice that they were withdrawing or revoking their consent during the act
Using violence or another form of force or fear to commit oral copulation without a person’s voluntary consent is a serious criminal offense, for which the penalty may amount to a prison term of three, six, or eight years.
Even more severe penalties apply when the alleged victim is a minor:
- Six, eight, or 10 years of jail time if the victim is age 14 or older
- Eight, 10, or 12 years of jail time if the victim is under the age of 14
If a defendant acted in concert with another person to carry out the alleged oral copulation by force or fear, the sentences may be even longer.
If you’re facing this serious charge, you should speak to an oral copulation by force defense attorney in Los Angeles, CA, as soon as possible to preserve your legal rights and begin preparing a strong defense.
Oral Copulation Charges Involving Minors
Under California law, minors (people under 18 years of age) cannot legally consent to sex, including oral copulation, even with other minors or adults close in age to them and with whom they have a relationship. You could face up to a year in prison if you are convicted of oral copulation with a person who is younger than 18, even if no force or fear was used.
If the alleged victim was both under 14 years old and more than 10 years younger than you, the penalties that may apply if you’re convicted include a three-year, six-year, or even eight-year prison term.
Other Instances in Which a Person Can’t Legally Consent to Oral Copulation
In certain situations, a legal adult may be considered legally incapable of giving consent, either due to a temporary state of their health, consciousness, or environment or permanently due to disability. Oral copulation may be considered a crime in Los Angeles and elsewhere in California when it involves a participant who:
- Is unconscious or asleep
- Is unable to resist due to being intoxicated, drugged, or under the influence of any controlled substance
- Has a physical disability, developmental disability, or mental disorder that renders them legally incapable of consenting to sex
- Is incarcerated or confined to a hospital or care facility for treatment of a mental disorder
Generally, a conviction on charges of oral copulation with a victim who cannot legally give consent can result in prison terms of three, six, or eight years under California law. In instances involving alleged victims who were incarcerated or confined to a hospital, the penalty may be up to a year of jail time.
Defenses a Los Angeles Unlawful Oral Copulation Lawyer May Use When Representing You
As your attorney develops a legal strategy to fight the charges against you, some possible defenses they may explore include:
- Arguing that the allegation against you is false, either due to a mistaken identity, a misunderstanding, or intentional lies
- Arguing that the victim did consent to the act
- Arguing that the evidence against you is insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, as the prosecutor must do to secure a conviction
- Arguing that the evidence against you was obtained improperly and is impermissible in court
Your lawyer will determine what defense strategy fits the facts of your case and provides the most compelling argument for a favorable outcome.
Contact a Los Angeles Unlawful Oral Copulation Lawyer at the Law Offices of Christopher Chaney Today for a Confidential Consultation at No Cost
When facing charges of unlawful oral copulation, there’s a lot on the line. You could go to jail for years, and when you are released, you could still face up to a lifetime of having to register as a sex offender and having a serious criminal violation on your record. Your best option for seeking a favorable outcome in this criminal matter is to have a strong defense strategy prepared specifically for you by an experienced sex crime defense lawyer.
For help from an unlawful oral copulation defense attorney in Los Angeles, CA, contact the Law Offices of Christopher Chaney online or call (310) 209-3999 today.