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About Dawn Dunbar

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Associate Attorney


Dawn Dunbar attended the University of Arizona (Go Wildcats) where she studied Sociology and Communication and planned her future in academia. After attending a lecture for extra credit and seeing Morris Dees from the Southern Poverty Law Center speak, Dawn decided to apply to law school to fight against racism. Luckily Loyola Law School extended an offer for Dawn to study in Los Angeles, so she packed up and left the summer heat of Tucson, Arizona. While in law school and clerking in the Hate Crimes Unit, Dawn discovered that her ideology was in conflict with fighting on behalf of the government to put people in prison. Dawn wanted to fight for people, not lock up people. Always rooting for the underdog, Dawn realized that the ultimate underdog was the criminal defendant.

So when Dawn graduated from Loyola Law School, she began working for criminal defense attorneys. This type of practice allowed her to be in court every day and gain competence in her trial skills, cross-examination, and knowledge of the evidence code. After defending her criminal clients in related Restraining Order hearings, Dawn realized that she was quite suited for this area of the law. Since approximately 2005, Dawn has increasingly devoted herself to Restraining Order Hearings. She finds the intense turnaround time in Civil Harassment Restraining Orders invigorating and still loves the practice of law after 23 years. Dawn prides herself on her level of preparation, skill, and experience in Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. If you need someone on your side, contact Dawn Dunbar.

Schedule Your Consultation

Regardless of your circumstance, you are not alone in your fight. We are ready to stand by your side and fight for your rights, freedom, and reputation. Contact us today to schedule a free remote or in-person consultation, and let us assist you in finding a solution to your problem.
